Animation Production Process

welcome, my name is Zac Worcester. I am an animation student at the University of Portsmouth as this time passes this page will progressively fill with projects I am working on as well as test animation that i am working on these will range from class exercises as well as some personal projects.

Below you will see a list of plane animation tests created using a Maya.












Below you will see a collection of sword animations I modelled in Maya and animated to spin on as if on display.




















Using a ball rig I was able to create a collection of bouncing ball test animations. a link to these animations is below.









Below is a car i modelled then animated to rotate with some light rendered.











Texture I made on Photoshop for use on pot.


Screenshot of render view.i87^cimgpsh_orig.pngplay-blast of objects within a scene.














Two principles of animation I believe are very important and plan to implement into my work is “squash and stretch” and “timing and spacing” this is so animations have more a strong reaction within their movement but also to make said movement have the correct amount of momentum be it speeding up or slowing down. I will implement squash and stretch by using the sizing tool or rig to squash models to react to a situation like a ball hitting the ground. while with timing and spacing I will use the animation graph editor to change the the movement curves and distancing of frames. both of these attribute is necessary to make the movement feel like it flows and to engage the viewer so that movements aren’t boring. when using the graph editor i can also create my own vague timing and spacing chart before animating and then implement it so that there is some planning prior to animating the character.





























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bellow is remade model of the ship using more polygons and reference images more often to make sure the design was accurate.

bellow is are reference images I used for the model.





























Bellow are screenshots of my finalized model





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